All Construction Engineering

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Heatlth & Safety

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All Construction Engineering are committed to caring for and protecting our people and believe that any workplace injury or disease is preventable. We work to identify and control hazards, protecting our people from exposure to health and safety risks, and we support their health and well-being.
Our business has developed a Company Safety Management Plan (SMP) under pinned by the WHS Act and Regulations as a tool to deliver a safe outcome for our multi-disciplined work force. We also create project specific SMP’s to better manage disciplines used on those projects. We have also have a library of Safe operating procedures for activities across the business.

Throughout the business we have systems and processes in place that enable us to meet compliance as we strive for continuous improvement. We have implemented tools and programs to engage, support and develop our people at all levels.
At All Construction Engineering we support our commitment to health and safety by proactively communicating with our people and implementing programs that address specific hazards faced in our various operational environments. We want to keep health and safety at the front of our employees’ minds - both at work and at home.

In 2013 with the commitment of our staff and workforce we have been able to again achieve a 0 LTIFR rate, a figure we have been able to maintain since 2007. We continue to strive to reduce our MTI rates and at present have managed to also reach a 0 MTIFR, our AIFR (All Injury Frequency Rate) currently sit well below the norm in our high risk industry.


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